Our Merciful Saviour, located in Kaufman, about 30 miles southeast of Dallas, is a mission of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, which itself is a province of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion is that branch of Christ's Catholic Church which was established in England by the 3rd century A.D., from whence it spread throughout the world.
The first Episcopal services were held in Kaufman in 1870; Our Merciful Saviour was organized as a mission in 1883. The church building was constructed in 1909 and was designated a historical building by the State of Texas in 1967.
The Holy Eucharist (which means "the holy thanksgiving") is our central act of worship. Also called the Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, or the Mass, this is the meal which Our Lord gave his followers prior to His death and resurrection, in which He is our food and drink unto eternal life.
Rejoicing in the beauty and glory of the Lord, Our Merciful Savior draws upon all the ancient and rich ceremonial tradition of Christ's Church to honor Him in our worship and to set forth before men and women the joy and loveliness of life in Him and with Him.