We are a community of faith and a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gathered at Our Savior Lutheran Church.
We confess and proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as Our Lord and Savior. The Bible is our Holy Scripture which we interpret based on Lutheran tradition. Our identity is received through Baptism, we are nourished by Holy Communion and we live by the power of the Holy Spirit. We find our salvation by grace, God’s gift of love, through faith in Jesus Christ.
Our faith is nurtured through worship, education, fellowship and service to others. As followers of Jesus we serve the people and communities of the Upper Connecticut River Valley and beyond. Through faith we are connected to all of God’s children, leading to respect for and acceptance of every person.
It is by our example, evident in all that we do, and by our testimony that others may come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Our liturgical life is rooted in the Lutheran tradition yet we welcome innovation in our worship. This is seen in the following ways:
-The weekly celebration of the Eucharist.
-The use of both traditional and modern liturgies and hymns.
-The inclusion of children in our worship and the availability of a nursery during worship.
-The use of liturgical dance and dramas.
Our educational life is faithful to the Bible and Lutheran Confessions. It is intended to strengthen our faith and guide our thinking as we face the challenges and opportunities of contemporary life. We are enriched by the following educational opportunities:
-Children’s Church.
-Confirmation instruction for young adults.
-Book studies on a variety of topics on Sunday mornings and during the week.
-Bible studies.
Our service to the people of the Upper Connecticut River Valley and beyond is demonstrated in many ways. We enjoy close relations with other churches, educational institutions and social service agencies. Some of what we do includes:
-The provision of community dinners.
-Partnerships with The Haven, LISTEN, WISE, Headrest, Bread for the World, Hannah House, Habitat for Humanity, Good Neighbor Health Clinic, Hospice of the Upper Valley, and various Lutheran agencies.
-We host outside groups and events, such as SAT Practice Exams with Upper Valley Tutoring, Opera North (summer rehearsals), Upper Valley Music Center youth orchestras, and music lessons taught by instructors of Twin States Music Collective. Area groups are welcome to utilize or rent space with us; if interested, contact the church at (603) 643-3703.
We enjoy Christian fellowship in the following ways:
-After Sunday worship coffee and snacks.
-Frequent pot-luck meals.
-Shrove Tuesday celebration and an annual church picnic.
-Young Adult and Grad Students group gathers regularly.
As a Lutheran campus ministry we provide a lively community of fellowship with students of Dartmouth College and its related schools.
-Students actively participate in worship and congregational activities.
-Congregational members form special relationships with students.
All that we are and all that we have are gifts from God. We are called to be grateful and faithful stewards of these blessings. To carry out our mission, life in the community of faith of Our Savior Lutheran Church involves disciplined and joyful self-sacrificial giving of time, talents and money.