John Morris Hubbard was interested in investing in some real estate. One day, while thumbing through an Oakland Press newspaper, he noticed an ad for a 160 acre lot located just outside of Oxford. He was immediately interested just as an investment and for a summer cottage because, in 1960 Oxford was not much but a small town with a lot of open land. He never dreamt that it someday would be an 18 hole Golf Course Dining and Banquet facility!. He came of the idea when he an a friend were at another golf course shortly after had purchased the property. He was shocked at the outrageous price he had to pay to play the course. He then came up with the idea of building his own golf course. John was an engineer at Fisher Body for General Motors, so he had experience in layout out plans and was very handy in many trades. This made it easier for him to plan out how and what needed to be done to construct this golf course.
When planning out just where the holes would be placed, he figured out he did not have enough land and immediately negotiated a deal to purchase an extra forty acres adjacent to the property. Once this happened, John decided to waste no time and got under way with the construction. By 1965 he had 9 holes of the course completed. He did not want to stop there, he soon went on to complete the second 9 holes all while he was still working a full time job. He would come home after work and start moving dirt to shape and mold what is now a successful business. The course opened it's doors in 1970 and today has over 40 employees including John's son Robert Hubbard and daughter Nancy Kraft. Virginia Hubbard, his wife is still involved in the golf course. John passed away September of 2007, he is greatly missed and remembered fondly.