Established in 1881, PÄÊ»ia School rests on the outskirts of the changing plantation community of PÄÊ»ia on the island of Maui. PÄÊ»ia School serves students from the culturally diverse communities of Upper PÄÊ»ia, Lower PÄ'Ê»a, Spreckelsville, and KÅ«Ê»au. The area from Baldwin Park to Spreckelsville (formerly part of the Baldwin Complex Area) is now included in the Kekaulike Complex Area. Beside the cane fields, our closest neighbor is Holy Rosary Church, across Baldwin Avenue. Skill Village, the location of the closest homes, is almost one mile away.
At one time, the school's population exceeded 1,100 students in grades K-8. However, with the closing of the plantationʻs housing and villages in the 1960ʻs, the enrollment had dwindled to 190 students. In addition to the General Education program, we are one of the two Maui elementary school sites for the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program. For school year 2013-2014, with the expansion of the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program, our enrollment has risen to approximately 357 students.