The mission of the Passaic Fire Department is to provide the citizens of Passaic with the highest degree of service within our capacity in order to preserve and protect life and property from the devastation of fire and other life threatening emergencies.
The Passaic Fire Department began with the formation of a Fire Association. The Fire Association was an independent organization and was called into being by the need for fire protection.
Since the local government in those early days had no power to provide funds for such purposes, the citizens took the task upon their own shoulders.
The purpose of the Fire Association was to enlist citizens into the fire service, not necessarily as active firefighters, but as contributors to the fire fund.
At the close of the first year of the Fire Association, a proposition was made to form a fire engine company. Passaic Engine Company #1 was the result and was established on November 1st, 1869. The first Engine house was located in the rear of the old city hall which was a hay storage shed.
The first Engine House began directly after the formation of Engine Company #1. Each member contributed at least two days labor and constructed the building themselves.
During 1871, a decision was made by the new city government to organize other fire companies. Dundee Engine Company #2, and McLean Engine Company #3 were organized.
Dundee Engine Company #2 was organized on January 24th, 1874.
McLean Hose Company #3 was reorganized as McLean Engine Company #3 on January 3rd, 1887.