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312 Crosstown Road
Who We Are
PCHSG, Inc. is a Christian organization, which recognizes the responsibility of all parents to train up their children according to the counsel of God.
Situations that arise within this group are handled with the counsel and direction of Biblical teaching as the guide.
Every registered family must share in the operation of the group.
Member families must be in agreement with the requirements for membership in the corporation.
PCHSG, Inc. is open to all home schooling families with school age children that reside in the designated geographical area.
We define a family as a married couple consisting of a male father and a female mother and their children (including any minor children for whom they have been made legal guardians). A family may have only one parent due to circumstances such as, but not limited to, death of a spouse or divorce. Families are not qualified for membership if either parent is on probation for any crime.
Only those individuals serving in specified areas of responsibility with PCHSG, Inc. (for example, the Board of Directors) are required to sign and be in full agreement with the corporation’s statement of faith.