Mission: Pelion High School, in partnership with our community stakeholders, will develop thinking, responsible, and productive citizens for an ever-changing world; this is accomplished by providing challenging programs in academics, arts, career technology and athletics through effective teaching supported by active learning experiences and the integrated use of technology.
Vision: Pelion High graduates will become citizens who lead by implementing in their own lives: A character-driven commitment to the communities in which they live. Tolerance and respect in a global society. Career-success grounded in knowledge of skills and concepts.
The ability and skills to adapt to professional and personal change. Continuing growth in intellectual, social, emotional, and ethical areas.
Decision making guided by logic and reason as well as compassion in professional and personal areas.
Beliefs: All students can learn best when actively engaged in the learning process. All students should have plans for the future and be prepared to implement those plans. Mutual respect, responsibility and caring create the best learning environment. All students should have access to a curriculum that is flexible and utilizes technology to enhance their lives personally and professionally. Creating a successful learning environment requires specifically meeting the wide variety of student learning needs. Learning promotes an improved quality of life and is essential for continual growth. Family and community support of education goals is essential for student success.