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Pennridge School District

1200 North Fifth Street

About Us:

The Pennridge School District has scheduled an ambitious curriculum renewal process that revolves around its Comprehensive Plan. The District has identified the integration of technology to improve instructional effectiveness as a top priority. 

In the elementary schools, communication skills are taught throughout the curriculum. Social Studies is being connected to language arts as an interdisciplinary learning project. The emphasis is on hands-on learning in science and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards are being integrated into all mathematics instruction. 

At the middle school level, students will have the opportunity to study algebra and/or a first year foreign language. More emphasis is being placed on computer literacy, both in computer education classes and throughout the curriculum. In addition to team-based instruction in academic subjects, middle school students explore a variety of specialty areas. 

The high school offers a comprehensive array of rigorous course selections that allow students to prepare for college and/or a vocation. We have created a rich program of studies with more than 100 different courses which include 18 advanced placement courses, 20 offerings at the Upper Bucks County Technical School, and a variety of cybercourses. More than 84 percent of Pennridge seniors go on to college or institutions of higher learning.
