About Us:
The Phillips County Historical Society was organized May 16, 1967. The museum at the 109 South Campbell address is visible proof of the progress of the organization.
The first meeting place was the town hall at Paoli. Meetings alternated between Holyoke and Haxtun until the Museum was established. A constitution was drawn up and dues were a dollar a year. The dollar a year dues remained until 2001 when dues were raised to $5 per membership. It was the purpose of the society to collect and preserve historical documents and artifacts. Officers, with vision and foresight, interest in history, and a willingness to work, were sought.
In late 1967 the group secured a room in the old hospital annex, which was at that time the old Courthouse annex at 246 South Interocean. As they began to gather historical items the group looked for larger quarters. The County Commissioners gave the Society permission to move to the Dille building, just west of the annex. This building has been torn down and a steel storage shed has been erected in its place.