Statement of Mission and Commitment
We commit ourselves to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and see our responsibility to God and the Body of Christ as our first priority. Our mission is to become more fully a community of grace, joy and peace, so that God's healing and hope flow through us to the world.
Relying on the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to each other and to the following goals for our lives together:
The fellowship is a discipling community. We commit ourselves to: develop supportive and forgiving relationships that affect the daily lives of each other emphasize the spiritual nurture of members, helping each other grow in our understanding of and love of God provide a safe place to acknowledge weakness, accept God's forgiveness and openly bring faith questions emphasize the importance of God's gift of children--- their care and nurture. We incorporate children's activities into our worship, recreation and education. Discern and respond to physical, spiritual and social needs of those within and outside the fellowship grow as a welcoming community, reaching out to those around us encourage and support each other in sacrificial stewardship and simplified lifestyle emphasize the essential nature of the inward journey by such means as prayer, readings, meditations, bible study, silence and retreats emphasize the importance of peacemaking and non-violence in our lives grow in our understanding of the earth/environment and in our commitment to respect and care for God's creation continue to encourage our corporate gifts of joy, play and celebration