Our Vision :
The Piner-Olivet Union School District recognizes that the student is the customer we serve. Thus, the district is committed to developing each student’s academic and social skills to their full potential in a atmosphere of collaboration, cooperation and compassion. The students and the entire organization are dynamically engaged in learning while modeling behavior worthy of emulation. The organization uses innovation as a catalyst to expand the horizons of student success and possibility. A climate of student and organizational excellence is evidenced by a strong current of respect, civility, positive attitude, leadership, character and academic achievement.
Each school site has its own unique character. Strong site leadership guided by unifying district themes is used to promote student success. To ensure this success, every member of the school community maximizes their potential and demonstrates excellence through innovative and sound practices.Piner-Olivet Union School District parents and community are actively involved in every aspect of our schools. School sites are used as community hubs to support strong parent/community involvement.Furthermore, Piner-Olivet Union School District is engaged in long-range planning and continually measures progress towards its goals, refining as needed. The budget supports the district vision and goals.