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Pleasant Acre Farms

6428 East 1100 North

This basket is designed to feed a family of four with a variety of vegetables from mid-May through October for a total of 24 weeks. You will receive between 6-10 different vegetables each week as they are in season. The other benefit of this membership is that you will be the first to try new varieties and crops as we seek to broaden our offerings in the market.

The cost of the full share CSA will be $495. If you were to purchase the same produce at the market you would spend approximately $580; this does not include the extras that you receive in new products. We will also offer a half-share of the same baskets for those who do not need as much produce for the season. The half-share is exactly as it states, it will be half the amount of produce for the 24 weeks. The half-share will cost $255. Please visit our website to get full description and payment options.

Pleasant Acre Farms was established early 2009. We would not have been able to do what we have without the help of family. It is very important to us to have our family involved in the business. We would like to send a special thank you to both of our parents for helping us start our family business.

My husband Neil and I have three children, Grace who is 3, Elijah is 2 and little Addisyn who is 11 months. They do keep us very busy and on our toes. The kids and myself love going out to the farm and helping Neil as much as we can. Sometimes the kids get a little distracted, but they are involved and having fun.

CSA Details:
- Season:May through October
- Type:Single farm
- Since:2009
- No of Shares:30
- Full Share:$495/24 week full share and market credits with 10% value bonus above amount spent
- 1/2 Share:$255/24 week half share
- Work Req?No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

Lafayette Farmer's Market  (Sat)
7:30-12:30 at Booth
Contact:Neil Moseley
Address:113 N 5th ST, Lafayette, IN 47901

Pleasant Acre Farms
Contact:Neil Moseley
Address:7418 East County Line Rd S, Clarks Hill, IN 47930

Sagamore West Farmer's Market 
Contact:Neil Moseley
Address:1780 Cumberland AV, West LAfayette, IN 47906 
