PGES is a wonderful school that has an inviting "family culture". We aim to educate our students in a positive environment. Our faculty is dedicated to the students in all aspects of their education. We invite you to read about their biographies and professional qualifications at our website. Our students are the reason why we are here and you will find that our teachers treat them "like their own".
Coming from a proud, hardworking tradition, PGES started in the 1920s when one room school house consolidation began. By the late 1920s, Pleasant Grove Junior High School was established and remained that way until the building burned in the early 1970s. Since that time, Pleasant Grove Elementary School has been established on the same campus and now incorporates grades Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade. PGES is located at Hollis Crossroads (Alabama Highway 9 and US 431) that is a former crop farming community that is now growing as nearby Oxford and Interstate 20 continues to influence traffic patterns and residential living. We are proud of our past and excited about what the future holds for us here at PGES as well as Cleburne County.