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Poudre River Friends of the Library

201 Peterson Street

About Us:

The Poudre River Friends of the Library, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1939 to support the Fort Collins Public Library. With the creation of the Poudre River Library District, it continues that support although its name has changed to reflect the above change in the jurisdiction of the libraries.

Membership is open to all in the community who are interested in supporting the Poudre River Public Libraries. Our mission is to enrich the educational and financial resources of the Library as well as to act as an advocate for it and to increase the awareness of its value to the community.

The Friends Provide:

- Financial support
-- Underwriting the Children's Summer Reading Program and purchasing technological materials above and beyond the library's budget.
-- The library's; evening programs of public lectures and forums on. a variety of subjects.
-- Publish a newsletter for members.
-- Hold used book sales earning funds to supplement the library's annual budget.
-- Advocate for the library - for future branch libraries, a new main library and for public awareness of the value of libraries.

- Annie Walk
- Summer Reading Program
- Book Club Kits
- Day of the Dead" Celebration
- Great Decisions Program
- Library Book Clubs
- Teen Writers' Workshop
- Southeast Story Time

We invite you to join with us in these activities by becoming a member too.
