Danny Estrada is a Quay County Native and was raised on a family farm north of Tucumcari. Eventually he moved to Kansas where he farmed with two of his brothers and raised his three children, Michelle
Lucero, Danielle Lopez and Daniel Estrada, Junior. After 24 years he moved back to Tucumcari to be closer to family. At that time he started working for Quay County when Terry Turner was the County
Manager. He remembers being given two handfuls of keys, 4 sheets of inventory papers and wished good luck as he started working for the County Maintenance Department. Upon his arrival at the Fair-
grounds, the actual inventory was a few hand tools and a riding mower that relied heavily on baling wire to maneuver. That was seventeen years ago. Danny was quickly promoted to the Department Supervi-
sor and has done an outstanding job in that position for the last fifteen years. Anyone that visits the Quay County Fairgrounds can tell by simply looking that it serves as an important gathering place because of the upkeep. Danny truly enjoys working with his hands and is very talented with his skills and knowledge to keep the buildings, grounds and other Quay County Offices in tip-top shape. He is steadfast in finding cost effective ways to maintain and improve the facilities.