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Quilted Gardens and Nursery

Quilted Gardens and Nursery
19635 130th Ave


Quilted Gardens and Nursery started as an outgrowth of collecting and growing hostas, interesting perennials, unusual trees and shrubs, and an interest in unusual conifers. We have grown from a residential lot to a 10 acre nursery (as of April 2005) on the south side of Des Moines, IA. We are an independent nursery specializing in unusual and collector perennials, hostas, trees, shrubs and conifers.

Though we have gardens that are dedicated to dwarf and miniature conifers, and additional dwarf trees and shrubs, we provide more than just dwarf material to our customers. Unusual conifers, trees, and shrubs are a rapidly expanding portion of our nursery and gardens. Many variegated, gold, unusual form, and size (dwarf or miniature) conifers, trees and shrubs are available. We have planted over 100 trees throughout the gardens and yard. Many of these are available, some are being trialed for later introduction, and some are part of our personal collection, which we continue to grow. Flowering trees and shrubs are often overlooked for landscapes, so we are adding them to ours and providing them for customers.
