A Community Creating Lifelong Learners!
Ravenna is a progressive community that values young people. The entire community strives to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of its students. There are many examples of the community's dedication to this task. In 2008 the district passed a $14.8 million dollar bond initiative.
The work included a new athletic complex, a new middle school and updated technology district wide.. The facility modification also made possible a grade re-configuration to K-4, 5-8 and 9-12 buildings. The entire core curriculum has been revised to mirror the requirements of state and federal mandates and guidelines. Pre-school and day care programs have been enhanced and expanded and Head Start is housed in the elementary building.
With facilities and accompanying programs securely in place, a greater focus has been placed on the continual improvement of student outcomes. All district schools met federal adequate yearly progress standards in 2008/2009. The trend for MEAP scores is up with scores in most categories exceeding state averages. Under the Education Yes! Michigan Accreditation system our elementary and middle schools received an "A" and the high school received a "B".
The school district has also created a partnership with community groups and units of government to provide social programs and safety-focused programs to better care for the changing needs of youngsters and their families.
The community is small in size, but the citizens, in concert with the schools, have made a commitment to meet the needs of all students. While much has been accomplished, successes continue to be "a work in progress."