Roca's mission is to disrupt the cycle of incarceration and poverty by helping young people transform their lives. Our evidence-based intervention model engages the high-risk, 17-24 year-old in a long-term process of behavior change and skill building opportunities. With two years of intensive engagement and two years of less intensive follow-up. Roca's Intervention Model provides a robust combination of services, including relentless street outreach, data-driven case management, stage-based education and employment training.
We focus out efforts on two groups of young people; young men trapped in cycles of crime and incarceration and young mothers with a multitude of risk factors. Ultimately, our goal for these young people is to help them get off the streets, reduce their involvement in crime, stay out of jail and get jobs.
Understanding that we cannot and should not do this work alone. Roca partners with an important array of leaders and institutions from the criminal justice field, government, social service sector and business, to create systemic improvements in the way our society responds to the crisis of crime, poverty and over incarceration of young people.