About Us :
Our sole authority is the Word of God, both Jesus Christ the Living Word of God and the Bible, the written Word of God. This written Word is comprised of 66 inerrant writings, which holy men of God penned as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that there is only one God. We believe that while God is one in essence, He is three persons eternally existing in equal natures, referred to in Scripture as Father, Son and Spirit.
We believe that man was God's crowning act of creation. We believe that man is accountable to God for his attitudes, words and actions.
We believe that man is sinful from conception and so sins in his life. Both of these bring on him trouble in this life and the just judgment of God for eternal condemnation in hell.
We believe that man's only hope for recovery from his condition of guilt and misery before God is found in the person and finished work of Jesus Christ. He is the eternal Son of God, born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that sinful man must be given the heart of repentance and faith in order to turn from himself and sin and trust in Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior.
We believe that every person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ alone to represent him before God, not depending on any good found in himself, will be saved.
We believe that the grace of God that brings salvation teaches individuals to change from a self-pleasing, sinful life to a self-denying, godly life through Jesus Christ.