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P.O. Box 290066
Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop resources for the preservation and benefit of the Route 66 corridor and its community.
To this end we will develop a clear and specific "definition" of Route 66, and identify measures necessary to physically keep the road open; inventory, preserve and enhance its historic values; and realize its full potential as a cultural icon, catalyst for local economic development, and educational tool.
We will work within the Route 66 community in all eight states with a spirit of cooperation. We realize that Route 66 doesn't end at any city limits or even a state line and that any preservation effort affects the whole road.
We realize that no one person can do it all. It takes a concerted effort by many individuals and organizations; all with special talents, skills, and resources to preserve Route 66.
We are a Route 66 family and our goal is to educate the general public as to the wonderful treasure we have in our two-lane highways like Route 66.