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Ruxton Riderwood Lake Roland Area Improvement Association Inc.

P.O.Box 204

Recongnizing the need for advancement in their community, particularly in the authorizing and fostering ways and means to promote the health, education, safety and general welfare of the community, residents of Baltimore County in the area roughly bounded on the south by the Baltimore City line, on the east by Charles Street Avenue extended to its terminus at Joppa Road and a line projected northward therefore to the Baltimore County Beltway, on the north by the Baltimore County Beltway, and on the west by Falls Road, have associated themselves together in the society known as The Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Improvement Association, Inc. for the purpose of promoting by legitimate means the foregoing and important objectives. The Association is to be nonpolitical and nonsectarian, having for its ultimate objective the development of the general welfare of Baltimore County and particularly of this section of the county. This Association shall be operated for the local improvement, educational, charitable and other non-profitable purposes.