Saint Agnes History
Saint Agnes Parish was first administered as a mission by Father Joseph Mesny, pastor of Mary Star of the Sea and of the Old Town Church. We officially became a parish with the arrival of our first pastor, Father Manuel Rose, in 1933. Including our present pastor, Father Joseph Mel Collier, there have been seven pastors since then. They have been assisted by many associates.
Besides associates, parishioners will remember Father Joseph Lopes from Portugal, Father Al Cylwicki, from Rochester, N.Y.,and Fathers Michael Dory, Tom Mahoney, Stan Dombrowski,Gerald Lord and Neil Donnachie.
In the sixteen years since our Golden Jubilee, St. Agnes has continued to grow and change. New members have been welcomed and sadly others have gone. Buildings have been refurbished, including a new kitchen. Many new programs have been added to administer and meet the changing needs of our parishioners.
Thc R.C.I.A. program (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) was started in 1984 to educate those interested in becoming Catholic or those Catholics who wanted to update their knowledge of their faith.
In answer to His plea "Could you not spend one hour with me?", Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament began on September 8,1982 and has preserved for all, the privilege of having an open church always inviting a visit.
Reaching out to the homeless, St. Agnes has volunteered by supplying and serving food at the St. Vincent de Paul Center. Parishioners, working with Interfaith groups, housed and fed homeless men and women while aiding them in their job searches.
Renew was formed to deepen our relationship with God through his Son, by study and support in small groups. A new program, Vision 2000, was begun and has been well received and supported by our parishioners.