Mass Schedule
Mon-Wed-Fri- 6:30 am
Monday-Friday- 8:00 am
Saturday- 8:00 am, 5:00 am
Sunday-8:00 am // 9:45 am // 11:30 am // 5:00 pm
Holy Days- 6:30 am // 8:00 am
Evening mass time T.B.A.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays- 4:00-4:30 pm or By Appointment
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesdays,
6:00 pm Coordinator: Dulce Febre
About St. Brendan Church
St. Brendan Parish is a welcoming community, built on faith, committed to spiritual Sharing the Good Newsgrowth, inclusion and living the richness of the Catholic tradition through worship, education, service and outreach, as expressed by the giving of ourselves and our resources to support our church, school and community.
As a member of our parish family, we offer you prayerful and inspiring liturgy, active social ministry, opportunities for learning and growth and a warm and welcoming community of faith where you can develop lasting friendships.
Our patron, St. Brendan the Navigator, once prayed as he was travelling, “Lord, help me, for your sea is so big and my boat is so small.” We offer you companionship on your own life journey, so that the sea will not seem so big to you.