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Saint Clare Medical Center

1710 Lafayette Road

Mission and Values

Continuing Christ's Ministry in our Franciscan Tradition

What does the Mission Statement actually mean to us?
For those who have chosed to work in one of the SSFHS facilities, and with the help of our fellow employees, it means that now, we must put these words into action and practice.

This "action word" tells us that it is now up to each of us to maintain without interruption, the values, the traditions, the good works  of the hundreds of thousands of people who have gone before us and those who are presently working within the SSFHS facilities.

Jesus Christ, who lived over 2,000 years ago, is the model for each of us in the living of our lives. Jesus lived His life as a Teacher and as a Healer. He was gentle. He was compassionate. He was loving and caring. He listened and He spoke when this was needed. He cried and He laughed. He was joyful and He was pensive. He was prayerful. He truly is the model for everything we do!

The ministries that each of us are involved include healing and teaching. In whatever capacity, in somewas we are assisting the patient in the healing processs or, in the dying process, whatever the particular instance may be. As a housekeeper, nurse, pharmacist, cook, accountant or physician---each of us assists the patientin the healing process---according to our own skills, expertise and profession.

This word implies "ownership". This particular Mission Statement is carried out by the employees of each SSFHS facility. So, for you, the employees and volunteers, you are in a "particular" organization, not just "any" organization. The traditions, the culture, the good works that have existed within these facilities are what make us SSFHS!

St. Francis was a young man of considerable wealth, who gave up his riches to live a life of poverty. He was a man who loved people; who loved the Church; who lived the Gospel life. St. Francis gave us the example of loving and caring for the "least" among us--the most unloved, the poor, the uncared fo, the person who has no health insurance, the person who is shunned by society today. We turn away no one...

An inherited, a customary pattern of action or behavior. These traditions can ONLY be carried out by each one of us and unless WE carry them out, they will not be done. Without each of us "Continuing Chris's Ministry on Our Franciscan Tradition," this Mission will not continue to happen. This is what we expect of our employees and we invite you to join us.

We live our Mission Statement together. We are in this together. We do great things together! But, of course, we are human, we make mistakes. But the remarkable part of living this Mission together is that, on the day that I am not so wonderful, you are! And, the day that you are not so wonderful, I am--and Togehter we live the Mission as best we can! And, that is all that we can ask of anyone.

Franciscan Values:

Respect for Life
The gift of life is so valued that each person is cared for with such joy, respect, dignity, fairness and compassion that he or she is consciously aware of being loved.

Fidelity to our Mission
Loyalty to and pride in the healthcare facility are exemplified by members of the healthcare family through their joy and respect in empathetically ministering to patients, visitors and co-workers.

Compassionate Concern
In openness and concern for the welfare of patients, especially the aged, the poor and the disabled, the staff works with select associations and organizations to provide a continuum of care commensurate with the individual's needs.

Joyful Service
The witness of Franciscan presence throughotu the institution encompasses, but is not limited to, joyful availability, compassionate, respectful care and dynamic stewardship in the service of the Church.

Christian Stewardship
Christian stewardship is evidenced by just and fair allocation of human, spiritual, physical and financial resources in a manner respectful of the individual, responsive to the needs of society, and consistent with Church teachings.