About Us:
St. Louis Park Public Schools is a nationally recognized suburban public school district, serving approximately 5,000 students.
The District includes four elementary schools (Gr. K-5), one middle school (Gr. 6-8) and one high school (Gr. 9-12). The District educates children ages 0-5 and their families through Early Learning programs and services provided by Community Education. School age childcare and adult programs are also offered through Community Education. An award-winning senior program provides activities and engagement for seniors.
The St. Louis Park Public Schools and the City of St. Louis Park boundaries are nearly identical and both public entities work closely and collaboratively to support residents of all ages. The City of St. Louis Park is a first-tier Minneapolis suburb of approximately 48,171 residents. Both the schools and the city are growing. Over the past ten years, the student population has grown from approximately 4,200 students to nearly 4,600 students, with similar growth projected to continue.
As a caring, diverse community with a tradition of putting its children first, we will ensure all students attain their highest level of achievement; prepare all students to contribute to society; offer high quality opportunities for lifelong learning; provide multiple pathways to excellence; challenge all learners to meet high standards; and provide a safe and nurturing environment that energizes and enhances the spirit.