To be a covenant people responding to Christ's call to name, nurture, and empower disciples
Vision Statement:
In response to God's call, we will be a Church that is attentive to the Word of God by...
Keeping our hearts committed to Jesus Christ, we will welcome all people into fellowship. Having a passion for God burning brightly, we will do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with out God.
Putting our faith into action, we will be supportive of one another. Being guided by the Holy Spirit, we will nurture and celebrate all of our sisters and brothers.
Responding to Christ's call, our Church will provide meaningful worship experiences by... Proclaiming the liberating power of God in Jesus Christ, our Church will provide comfort and counsel.
Having a passion for God, we will be a beacon for Christ's love. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Church will be empowered to raise up disciples for Jesus Christ by...
Being witness of the Christian faith.
Providing fellowship.
Remaining sensitive to others.
Encouraging justice and peace.
Enriching our eternal covenant with God