At SPC, our response to the love and grace of God is faithful obedience to the purposes of Christ in the world. At SPC, our response to the love and grace of God is action.
Experiencing the gift of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we come to understand that the purpose of our time, money and gifts is not to serve ourselves, but the world. Our trust in Jesus Christ is manifested in the way we take seriously Jesus' call to care for the sick, feed the hungry, encourage the stranger, visit the imprisoned and provide resources to all those in need. Our mission is grounded in the reality that God gave us the gift of relationship as a way of demonstrating his love, and we practice that love by building relationships with others and serving them in tangible ways. Mission is our way of making sure that love extends far beyond our church walls and into the world God so deeply loves. As the 19th century African missionary David Livingstone put it, "Sympathy is no substitute for action."
Employer Matching...
Why not double or even triple mission donations by having your employer match your mission gift? Most companies who match charitable gifts will match a gift to a church as long as the giver notates that it is for "mission outreach" or "humanitarian services". There are many opportunities throughout the year to support mission at SPC--programs such as the the Seek Justice Challenge in September, the all-church Christmas Mission (A Child is Waiting, 2009), 30 Hour Famine, and others.