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Smiths Grove Baptist Church

435 Main Street

At Smiths Grove Baptist Church we believe:
There is only one true and living God and that there are a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead:  the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and, yet, there are not three gods but one God.

The Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the word of God and the only rule of faith and practice.

The sinful fall of Adam and imputation of his sin to his posterity, the corruption of human nature, and the impotency of man to recover himself by his own free will and ability.

Sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the righteousness Christ imparts to them, and that good works are the free acts of faith and follow justification and only justify in the sight of men and angels and are the evidence of our gracious acts.

The saints shall perservere in grace and not one of them shall be lost.

There shall be a resurrection of the dead and a general or universal judgment and that the happiness of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.

The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful persons that have obtained fellowship with each other and have given themselves up to the Lord and one another, having agreed to keep up a goodly discipline according to the rules of the Gospel.

Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and that the government is with the body.

Water baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of the Lord and are to be continued by the Church until His second coming.

True believers are the only subjects of baptism and that immersion is the proper mode.

We believe that none but born again, baptized believers have a right to commune at the Lord's table." (Born again to mean the person has confessed his/her sins to God and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Baptized means scripturally baptized with the right meaning of baptism as a symbol of conversion and right mode by immersion.)
