To worship God with all our being.
To seek the community with the passion of Jesus Christ.
To open our hearts and arms with the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ.
To answer our calling to grow and serve Jesus Christ as ministers beyond the walls of this church.
Seek the lost.
Lead them to Christ.
Grow together spiritually.
Go and serve as disciples.
Core Values
We believe that the lost people matter to God,and therefore, ought to matter to our church.
We believe in applying the spiritual gifts with which God has blessed each of us.
We believe that life-change happens best in small groups and informal gatherings.
We believe that loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life.
We believe that the church should be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure.
We believe the willingness to change is essential for growth of spirit and the church.
We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people.
We believe full devotion to Christ is normal for every believer.