Somers Historical Society, founded in 1956, is an all volunteer, 501(c)(3)
educational corporation which holds an Absolute Charter from the New York
Department of Education. Its mission is to care and advocate for local historical
resources and its world-class collections of early 19th century travelling menagerie
and circus epherma and local history, as well as to educate others about these
resources and local history.
The Society offers free cultural and educational programs, as well as guided tours
of the historic properties in the Town of Somers
The Wright Reis Homestead
Mt. Zion Church and Cemetery, a National Register Site
Tomahawk,Chapel, a National Register Site
Elephant Hotel, a National Historic Landmark.
Its offices and archives are on the third floor of the Elephant Hotel, along with the
office of Somers Town Historian, Doris Jane Smith;, the Alice Minnerly Runyon
Reference Library for early 19th century American circus, genealogy, local history
and theatre; exhibition galleries and a small shop featuring Somers-related