About Us:
Brother Andrew J. Cowan, will conduct the dedicatory service and representatives of other Churches of Christ are expected to attend. Features will include a short talk by Randy Hartley and solo and group singing.
Built by 16 members with the aid of contributions from individuals and congregations in eight states from Louisiana to Ohio, the new church contains a 150-seat auditorium, two classrooms, nursery, baptistry and minister’s study. The auditorium can be expanded to seat 260 without major renovation. Dale S. Ward of Raleigh was the general contractor.
The local church was organized in November, 1959, and has met heretofore at the Bloodworth Street YMCA. In 1962, Cowan came to Raleigh to assume his duties as minister and to supervise construction of the church.”
Who could have known in 1958, when this work began, that we would have taken the paths we have to get to this point. The early efforts involved Brooks Avenue Church of Christ with support from congregations throughout the southeast. There was much success in reaching the population, but also major problems maintaining a new congregation with most of its members in the early stages of Christian maturity and having very little economic resources. The congregation grew early, maintained that growth, but later ran into difficulty. The church no longer met for a period of years. Some members went to Brooks Avenue, some went to denominational churches, and some gave up all together.
The late Bro. Enoch Scarborough and his wife Lucy met with a very small group in his home until Bro. Earl Blair came from Arkansas. Bro. Blair and his family, with support, built the work again around 1980. The church family owes him and his family a special debt of gratitude for their untiring efforts.
In September of 1987, Bro. Michael L. Dublin, Sr. began as associate minister to Bro. Blair. In January 1988, Bro. Dublin became the evangelist and continues the work.
Like all congregations, the church has experienced growing pains over the years as Christians at Rochester Heights continue to follow the shining example of Jesus, who is forever Lord and Master. The members have determined that the doors will never close again, until the church moves to a larger facility to better serve the community.
The untiring efforts to support the men’s and women’s classes, as well as, several ministries that are relevant to the communities we serve are paying off. Solid maturing Christians are truly desirous of saving the souls of “whosoever will” come.