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South Hills Baptist Church

6400 Holly Springs Road

Our History

In November, 1967 a group of individuals desiring to organize an independent, fundamental, Bible believing assembly began to meet for worship in the basement of Larry and Betty Lou Stone’s home. The next year they moved to Swift Creek Community Center as the assembly began to grow. Starting with just forty charter members they legally formed South Hills Baptist Church as an independent Baptist church on December 1, 1969. As they continued to grow a new building was constructed in 1970 on Piney Plains Road in Cary, North Carolina. This remained their place of worship until January 29, 1989 when the assembly moved to a new facility at its current location.

About The Church
The Church is a local group of baptized believers who share a common faith in Jesus Christ, commitment to the Scriptures, and follow Christ's commission to make disciples throughout the entire world. Church members are to model the life of Christ and as such are to live holy lives. Church members also care for one another, and are to support the church with their time, talent and treasures. The two offices of the church are the pastor/teacher and servant/caregivers. Though the church utilizes these two offices, all members have equal access to God and are gifted to serve Him as ministers. The leaders of the church are to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. The local church is a self-governing autonomous body under the headship of Jesus Christ.

About Last Things
Jesus Christ Himself will rapture His church from the earth before the great tribulation. During the seven years of tribulation, the righteous judgements of God will be poured out upon an unbelieving world, at this same time Christians will be rewarded according to their works. At the end of the tribulation Christ will establish His kingdom on the earth and Satan will be abolished for a thousand years, after which time those that have rejected Christ will be consigned to hell and believers will enter the eternal state of glory with God.

About The Sanctity Of Human Life
We believe that all human life is sacred from conception throughout the entire human natural life; that human beings are created in His image and, as such, are to be protected; that the weak, vulnerable, infirm, handicapped, pre-born and needy deserve our respect and care.

About Marriage & The Home
We believe that the home is the first institution God provided for man; that marriage is a sacred relationship between one man and one woman for life; and that homosexuality is a perversion of God's natural order of one man and one woman.
