Mission Statement: SPA Women's Ministry Homes is a Christ-centered, comprehensive treatment program that empowers women to address the root causes of life-controlling issues and addictions in order to live productive lives of recovery.
Program Description: SPA is a 12-month residential treatment program that offers women an opportunity to make positive and permanent life changes in a Christ-centered environment. Using a holistic approach and evidence-based methods, the SPA program is structured to promote the transformation of the mind, body, and spirit in order to help women achieve and maintain lives of recovery. Women have the opportunity to develop the interpersonal mechanisms needed to function more effectively, while also learning the practical life skills necessary to successfully reintegrate into the community. SPA ministers to each person's individualized needs in order to encourage healthy choices, independent living, and a personal relationship with God. SPA believes that the problems that led one to drugs and alcohol and the problems caused by drugs and alcohol can be resolved through faith in God and the resources and support He provides. Since 1998, SPA has provided an opportunity for women to establish a deeper relationship with God as He delivers them from the bondage of debilitating issues such as domestic violence, addiction, and prostitution and empowers them to change their lives and reconnect with their families.
Outline of Program Services:
Educational Classes - Daily teachings and assignments pertaining to forgiveness, anger management, setting boundaries, building self-esteem, inner healing, codependency, coping skills, addictions, etc.
Independent Bible Study - Daily worship and bible reading
Devotionals - Daily biblical devotions lead by clients and staff in a group setting
Recovery Groups - Educational groups facilitated by pastors, counselors, and community partners
Case Management - Individual treatment plans are established and monitored
Life Skills Training - Instruction on cooking, cleaning, managing a home, managing a budget
Financial Management - Participation in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
Nutrition Education - Healthy eating and meal preparation is taught and practiced
Fitness Education - Weekly participation in physical fitness classes
Community Activities - Participation in church services, conferences, social outings, and local events
Volunteer Activities - Women connect to service opportunities with local nursing homes, churches, etc.
Mentor Program - Women are matched with mentors who actively support them in their journey
Job Placement Services - Partnerships with local employers provides access to employment
Aftercare - Peer Specialists continue to provide guidance to women following program completion