About Us:
St. Andrew’s is an active and dynamic parish serving the needs of its members and the surrounding community with love and joy. There are activities for all ages… including Christian education and spiritual formation, Bible study, healing ministry and prayer groups, outreach to soldiers and veterans, after school programs, summer Vacation Bible School, youth ministry, award winning vocal and handbell choirs for all ages, and much, much more.
The ministry team of St. Andrew’s is led by Fr. Jeff Queen who began his ministry to the parish in January of 2012. Assisting the Rev’d. Queen in ministering to the pastoral needs of the community is our Priest Associate, Fr. Joe Pennington and vocational Deacon, Fr. Joe O’Brochta. The leadership team at St. Andrew’s is comprised of a 12 member board called a “Vestry.” The Vestry and its officers, the Wardens, help give vision to the parish, its mission and ministry. Congregational members are elected to the Vestry each year at the parish Annual Meeting. The pastoral support staff at St. Andrew’s includes parish administrator Robin Miller, director of music ministries Diane Keeler, organist Martha Renner, Christian formation director Gail Pennington, St. Andrew’s Club director Susie Schuh, director of the Episcopal Youth Community Caroline Stine, rector’s warden Rick Brockmeier and sexton Tim Keeler.