"You'll Find a Warm Welcome At St. John's"
St. John's Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
We are located on Merrick Avenue between Margaret Blvd and Van Roo, across from the Merrick Avenue Middle School.
St. John's offers Opportunities for................
* Worship
* Holy Communion celebrated each Sunday , September thru June
* 9:30am - Family Oriented Liturgy
* 11am - Traditional Liturgy
* Summer Schedule
* 10am Holy Communion
* Education
* Sunday Church School - Pre K thru 6th Grade
* Early Childhood Center - for two, three & four yrs. old
* Confirmation - for 7th - 9th grades
* Adult Bible Study
* Service
* Bag Lunch Ministry - Lunches to local residents who might otherwise go hungry
* Food Pantry - groceries to our neighbors in need
* Cooking for the Interfaith Nutrition Network
* Young at Heart
* Cut and Sew
* Caregivers Support Group
* Recovery, Inc.
"I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the House of the Lord"
Psalm 122:1
If you would like a Free DVD about St. John's or would like more information, call 516-379-3858 or email [email protected]