About Us:
St. Joseph's parish believes that "the mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ" and that "the Church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members".
Our life together is centered in worship, fellowship, and ministry. Our doctrine is traditionally Anglican in that it rests firmly on Scripture, tradition, and reason. We believe that the Holy Spirit works to reconcile individuals to God bringing healing and wholeness. As in the Book of Acts, we seek to "continue in the Apostle's teaching and fellowship, the breaking of the bread and prayers."
The Episcopal Church
This is an Episcopal Church, a part of the Anglican Communion throughout the world. We claim to be both Catholic - that is, true to the historic Christian Faith - and Protestant - that is, truly reformed and evangelical. We have no required confession of Faith, except the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds, which we share with many other Christian bodies. Our central act of worship is the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Holy Communion or Lord's Supper.
We worship in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer, and sing hymns from The Hymnal. These books have been set forth by authority of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
Our ministry is the historic threefold one of bishops, priests, and deacons. Our lay people are members by virtue of their baptism, for we believe that the Church is "the Body of which Jesus Christ is the Head and of which all baptized persons are members" (see an Outline of the Faith, Prayer Book, page 584).
We try to be a friendly church. If you are a stranger, do not hesitate to make yourself known, before or after the service, to the ushers or the clergy, if you care to do so. And if we can be of any special assistance to you, let us know that also. We want to make you feel at home in our church, and to help you in any way we can; but we do not want to intrude if you prefer just to worship quietly and go away without giving us your name.