About Us:
The present congregation of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Hollister owes much to those who came before them. Founded in 1876, when the town of Hollister was itself in its infancy, those early members contributed both a vision for the future and a rootedness in the legacy provided by the world wide Anglican Church. The rootedness continues to this day.
Today's congregation carries much of the stamp of those who went before them. Fiercely individual and strongly family oriented, the current community lives out its commitment to God through Jesus Christ by quietly serving one another and the community at large. Characterized as a denomination as one that intentionally walks the path between the Protestant and Catholic approach to Christianity, St. Luke's is a place where theological questioning is welcomed and people do not need to "check their brains at the door when entering."
When asking some of the newer families who have young children why they have chosen to stay at St. Luke's, the answer comes back almost universally: "there is an intangible feeling of God's presence which reinforces my relationship with God." Others voice appreciation for sermons "that help keep me on track in my professional life." Still others remark: "the availability of weekly communion gives me a sense of being connected to God and others in the community."
St. Luke's building is a classic carpenter gothic building reminiscent of the pioneer days of our state and our town. Many visitors have commented that it reminds them of the church in which they grew up. The sanctuary is rosewood and is adorned with stained glass windows depicting moments in the life of Christ and remembering various saints.
Over the years, the congregation has been committed to supporting the larger community, particularly those in need. Contributing to Community Pantry through an annual food drive, holding yard sales with the intention of making merchandise available to those who are economically disadvantaged, giving the proceeds to the special fund at our county's Child Protective Services or providing a scholarship for a needy pre-schooler to the Children's House (a Montessori pre-school which is housed here), this congregation has a commitment to reaching out to those in need in the community. This reflects the St. Luke's Community commitment to ministry to the children of our county.
While maintaining clear connection to our historical Christian roots, the current community at St. Luke's church enthusiastically enjoys the present and looks with hope and excitement toward the future which God will reveal.