An Independent Catholic Church in Charleston , WV . We are housed at Ruffner Memorial Presbyterian Church 1698 Quarrier St. in Charleston , WV . Located off of the Greenbrier St. Exit of I-64 between one and two blocks near the State Capitol. A moderate church that while Catholic is not Roman Catholic (separated in the 1850's over Papal Infallibility). By Catholic we have a three fold Holy Orders ministry of a Bishop, Priest and Deacon.
We a members of the Advent Independent Catholic Church of North America. Advent Independent Catholic Church and The Old Catholic Communion of North America.
We celebrate seven sacraments Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders and Sacrament of the Sick. We have an unbroken line of apostolic succession from St. Peter.
We generally meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am for more information and weekly Mass schedule contact Fr. Kevin at (304) 610-7161 or [email protected]