Stafford County Christian Church first began meeting in September 1990 at Rockhill Rescue Squad. As the Church grew, the congregation moved from that facility to the former Stafford Middle School in 1995 (on Route 1). In June 2001 construction began on the church’s first building located on Mountain View road, between Shelton Shop and Stefaniga roads. We had our first service in our new building on March 3rd, 2002.
SCCC is an independent, non-denominational church. We seek to imitate the precedents and patterns of the New Testament. That’s why our preaching and teaching are about Christ and focused on the teachings of the Bible, our prayers are in Christ’s name, our leaders are called elders, our communion is every Sunday, and our baptism is by immersion. Even our church name is rooted in the earliest days when disciples were called Christians and their congregations were often addressed as “churches of Christ” or “Christian churches.” We are a young, family-oriented church. We pursue variety, freshness, and creativity. Our worship is informal; our music is a blend of contemporary and the traditional. We dig deep into Scripture and discuss – to mine the great gems of God’s wisdom.