To create and nurture a community of learners prepared for citizenship in a diverse world.
The Graduate of Stone Valley Middle School Will Be:
An effective communicator who:
Uses written and verbal skills to express ideas, processes and solutions
Receives and conveys information in a variety of ways, individually and in groups
Listens actively, speaks and participates constructively in group situations
Uses visual and performing arts and a variety of technologies to enhance communications skills
A critical thinker and problem solver who:
Uses multiple frames of reference in reasoning, problem solving and decision making
Uses a variety of strategies in solving problems and conflicts
Assumes a variety of roles and effectively participates in group projects and problem solving
Extends the scope of a particular problem to develop effective solutions
Perceives relationships and makes connections between what is learned in different disciplines
Thinks creatively and reflectively before making decisions and solving problems
A responsible citizen who:
Develops increased awareness of his or her growing role in building strong local, state, national, and world communication
Displays respect for other people from diverse cultures and viewpoints
Accepts responsibility and consequences for personal behavior
A quality producer who:
Manages time and personal and organizational resources effectively
Develops and implements plans for continual improvement
Takes personal responsibility for and pride in producing hight quality work
Develops, sets, and accomplishes challenging and realistic goals
An active pursuer of life-long learning who:
Assumes increased direction of his or her own learning, including planning and implementation
Takes increased responsibility for wellness by engaging in healthful habits
Uses a variety of resources and technologies to find information when necessary
Uses accurate and relevant information as the basis for effective decision making