Surfside Players is a community theatre dedicated to the performing arts through productions, presentations, education and outreach.
Surfside Facts
What We Do
The annual programs feature a variety of high quality performances ranging from light-hearted comedy to lilting musicals to riveting dramas.
A Community Organization
Surfside Players extends a warm welcome to aspiring thespians, seasoned performers, and to anyone with a love for the Theatre.
Theatre Size
The theatre seats an audience of 250 and is fully air-conditioned.
Special Productions
Several weekends during the year are available for special theatrical performances, which may be proposed to the Board of Governors. Usually these require very minimal tech and scenery, and rehearsals are conducted at a different location than the playhouse.
How We Are Funded
Our largest source of revenue is ticket sales. A snack bar in the brightly decorated lobby also serves as a source of revenue for the non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. The Players have also sponsored Jazz Festivals, Golf Tournaments, Barber Shop Quartets, special by-invitation performances for charity, surfing movies, celebrity auctions and yard sales as fund raisers. Additional support comes from matching grants and corporate & personal donations, assuring the facility of continued maintenance and upgrades.