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Tamassee-Salem Elementary School

9950 North Highway 11

Mission Statement :

Our mission at Tamassee-Salem Elementary School is to provide a safe learning environment where all students reach their full potential.

We envision a school where :

Emphasis is placed on self discipline, individual responsibility, and citizenship, students are provided challenging and attaiable educational experiences, and every students achieves his/her potential in a safe learning environment.

Teachers utilize new technology, innovative techniques and appropriate instructional strategies and methods; The standards based curriculum is made relevant to the students' world; And parents/guardians, educators and community are committed to the best education for each child.

We Believe that :

Student learning is the chief priority of the school. Education is a life long process requiring continuous improvement and revision. Individuals will be provided an emotionally and physically safe environment. All individuals will be treated with dignity and respect.

Individuals will have the opportunities to experience changing technologies. Individuals will be given the opportunity to be activefy involved in the learning process. Children learn best when motivated and challenged. Education will provide students the opportunity to access information and to be successful problem solvers.

All students can learn. Students are the center of and education that is relevant to everyday life experiences. Every student will have access to services and resources necessary for them to reach their full potential and develop their unique talents.

Students need to develop an awerness of cultural, social, and emotional differences. Parent/guardian involvement does contribute to the success of students. Individuals need to be reponsible for their own actions. Curriculam and instructional practices will vary to accommodate a variety of learning styles.
