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74 Conklin Avenue
Don't worry about dressing up.
Don't worry about being asked to "stand up and introduce yourself."
Don't worry about your past.
God loves you. He sent his Son Jesus Christ to die on your behalf. No matter who you are, what you have done, or where you have been, God offers you a new life and a fresh start through Jesus Christ.
For that reason, you will always find an open door and a warm welcome at The Church of the Good Shepherd.
At Good Shepherd, you will find people dressed in anything from jeans and shorts to suits and slacks. People here are more interested in getting to know who you are than what you have on your back. You can be yourself and dress as you wish.
As a guest, you will be offered seats in the back of the worship space or seats right in the front, it's your choice, and you'll never, never be asked or expected to stand up during announcements and "tell us about yourself."
What you can expect are lots of smiling faces and friendly people, engaging and exciting sermons faithful to and based on the bible, joyful worship, practical teaching, lots of kids, and a great deal of fun.
Guests are expected and welcomed and tend to fit right in at Good Shepherd, and most people who visit end up staying.
You will find it easy to participate in any and all of the many activities and programs at Good Shepherd, but you are totally free to be as involved or as laid-back as you wish. Either way you are more than welcome.
Good Shepherd is a Christ-centered Anglican Church.
That means that on Sundays you will hear a lot about Jesus and about the Bible. Every week you will find Bible studies, prayer groups, weekday worship services, and education programs for all ages, all designed to help you get to know God and to know yourself.
God loves you, and God created you for a purpose. Find it and live it at the Church of the Good Shepherd.