We are businessmen and women, entrepreneurs, teachers, librarians, social workers, bankers, retirees, friends, neighbors and much, much more.
Our members cover the spectrum of industry, government, health and human services, education and small business.
Our guiding purpose as Rotarians is to improve our local and world communities through Club, Community, Vocational and International Service.
Rotary is service-driven. Belonging to the Mt. Laurel Rotary club gives men and women an organized outlet for contributing to their community. Rotary members dedicate their time, skills, expertise and a myriad of other resources toward improving the human condition. Club members support international projects through the programs of The Rotary Foundation. The Foundation was created in 1917 for the purpose of doing good in the world, and is supported almost entirely by member contributions.
The Mt. Laurel Rotary members meet weekly to plan service activities. Rotary clubs are autonomous and determine their own service projects based on local needs and the interest and abilities of members. Rotary clubs are nonreligious, nongrovernmental and open to every race, culture and creed. Club membership represents a cross section of local business and professional leaders.