The purpose of the United Methodist Church of Macedonia is to be a reflection of Christ’s love and acceptance within the community and beyond. Through worship, prayer, education and fellowship, we will provide an environment where persons can be nurtured spiritually and encouraged to witness their faith to others. We are committed to provide opportunities for all people to receive the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.
We value the worship experience
We value serving all of those in need
We value our children and youth
We value our church family
We value Christian Education for all
We value our United Methodist traditions
We value our commitment to growth in Christian understanding and faith
The United Methodist Church of Macedonia has been witnessing to the love of God through Jesus Christ in the Nordonia Hills Community since 1866.
We are an outward-looking church, ecumenical in nature, working cooperatively with community groups and other churches, as we seek to share the love of God with all people.
Our worship and teaching are based solidly in the Scriptures as we encourage our members to venture out in faith to discover God’s will and individual purpose for them: each one for him- or herself.
We do not seek to tell people what they must believe; rather we seek to create a Christian environment in which they can develop their own deep and abiding faith in God.