The Hendersonville NC Chapter welcomes women, aged 21 and over, to attend your first meeting gratis! We meet on the third Saturday of each month from 2-4pm for class instruction then Members immediately go to the range. Please contact us via email or on our public Face Book page for further information. NO LIVE ammunition is allowed in the classroom!
Our goal, as a Chapter, is to Educate and Equip and therefore Empower the women of our Community in a safe classroom environment. We teach all aspects of gun ownership with emphasis on safety. Our classes include how to choose your pistol, nomenclature, how to maintain your firearm, etc. Our classes are geared to fit experienced shooters as well as women who have never fired a pistol before. Our female NRA Certified Pistol Instructors and NRA Certified Range Safety Officers are at every classroom meeting and at the range firing line to teach and coach your every need. We want only to ensure you are the best you can be!! We have fun times and we have serious times. Come visit us and share the sisterhood of gun loving women!
Our next meeting will be May 19th! Bring your unloaded pistol and join us! RSVP by email for details, please, and so I can send you any necessary handouts for this lesson. This is a great class you won't want to miss! Join online before class, or at the Meeting by check, so you can join us at the range to shoot!
Times: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, range 4:00-4:30ish