Our Vision
Our vision is to be a body of believers called to follow the never-changing Christ in an ever-changing world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to encourage, equip and energize a healthy body of Christ to love God and love others.
We will gather regularly to worship God in spirit and truth, to listen to Him and respond to His Word.
We will strive to nurture each other in faith and obedience, being especially attentive to the spiritual maturation of our children and youth.
We will love each other as Christ loves us, will bear each other's burdens, and will welcome and enfold all those He brings to us.
We will seek God's kingdom above all else, and will strive to build His church for His glory.
We will share the good news of God's love with friends and neighbors and will disciple those who are new to the faith.
We will pray "in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" so that God's people may be strengthened and encouraged, and the evil one routed.
We will offer our hearts, our lives, and our resources to do God's work in this world being ready to give up everything for Christ's sake.