We believe in the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three persons, One God, all Eternal and Equal. This is a divine mystery, but we believe all things are possible with God, and though we as flesh are unable to do this, He is able because God is Spirit. We believe in God the Father who created all things. We believe that Jesus Christ became Flesh, born of a virgin, and dwelt among us. We believe that he willingly and lovingly died on the cross because of our sins and that trusting with true faith in his atoning sacrifice is the way to heaven. We believe that the third person, the Holy Spirit, comforts, gifts, guides, convicts and directs as fully today as He did with the first century church.
We are a Bible believing congregation. United Methodist have a long heritage of believing in the primacy of Scripture. We accept the 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament as Scripture, all other writings must be interpreted in light of these. Though we invite reasoning, learning from experience and tradition, all true understanding begins and ends with the revealed Word of God. Everything needed for salvation and living can be found in God's word.
We believe that cold orthodoxy will be rejected by God. James said, "You believe, good for you, even the demons believe and they shudder." Belief without works is no faith at all. We do not earn our way to heaven, (Jesus paid that price) but since we believe that Jesus Christ could have called 10,000 angels to save him from the cross, but instead died for us, we happily follow him. We do not do good deeds to get God to love us (that is already at full tilt) but we love others because He first loved us.