The present Tok Lions Club is the second Lions Club chartered in the Tok Area. The first Tok Lions Club was chartered on June 18, 1960 with 36 members and was sponsored by Fairbanks Midnight Sun Lions. They held their meetings twice a month at the Parker House. Listed are some of the member's last names that some old timers in the Tok area might be familiar with: Alderton, Davey, Harper, Koch, Kinney, Lappi, Lader, Lehr, Nava, Batchelder, Carlson, Davis, Gilliam, Hamilton, Parker, Hanson, Long, Messershmidt, Morgan, Nelson, O'Day, Post, Scoby, Simmins, Stewart, Young, Summar, Euers, DeVar, Doty, Donnelly and Martinuk. The club stayed active for 19 years until September 30, 1979 when they cancelled.
For 12 years, Lionism was quiet in the Tok area until March 13, 1991 when our club was chartered, sponsored by Delta Lions Club. We currently have 30 members. There are 7 original charter members who were recognized at the March Charter Night Dinner.