Akron is in the heart of the Midwest. Wholesome hometown life of quiet side streets where children play and neighbors know one another. The smell of fresh cut grass and backyard barbeques drift through the streets on any given weekend. Akron has several communities of Amish in the area, so it's not uncommon to hear the clippity clap of horse hooves hitting the street as it pulls the buggies to the local grocery store. Akron still has that feeling of a nostalgic community of yesteryear. If you are drawn to small town charm, love helping your neighbor, and want to have the feeling that you can make a difference, then you too, will find Akron to be your home! Akron is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, so feel free to come down and enjoy the hometown feel of Akron.